产品: InSe 硒化铟 (β相 1g) 粉体
提示说明:纳米材料工艺和制备可能会有改变 所有纳米材料均支持按需定制 下单前联系客服确认产品详细信息。
晶体种类: | 半导体,红外材料,拓扑材料 |
纯度: | >99.999 % |
表征方法: | EDS,SEM,Raman |
禁带宽度: | 0.5eV |
注意事项: | 表面易氧化 |
1, Bandurin, Denis A., et al. "High electron mobility, quantum Hall effect and anomalous optical response in atomically thin InSe." Nature nanotechnology 12.3 (2017): 223.
2,Mudd, Garry W., et al. "Tuning the bandgap of exfoliated InSe nanosheets by quantum confinement." Advanced MaterialsTamalampudi, Srinivasa Reddy, et al. "High performance and bendable few-layered InSe photodetectors with broad spectral response." Nano letters 14.5 (2014): 2800-2806. 25.40 (2013): 5714-5718.
3,Tamalampudi, Srinivasa Reddy, et al. "High performance and bendable few-layered InSe photodetectors with broad spectral response." Nano letters 14.5 (2014): 2800-2806.
4,Lei, Sidong, et al. "An atomically layered InSe avalanche photodetector." Nano letters 15.5 (2015): 3048-3055.
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