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MXene Ti3C2 / Ti3C2 MXene composite nano silver wire film

source:beike new material Views:3333time:2020-08-10 QQ Academic Group: 1092348845

MXene Ti3C2 / Ti3C2 MXene composite nano silver wire film

MXene Ti3C2 / Ti3C2 MXene composite nano silver wire film
The invention provides a nano-silver wire conductive film, which includes a transparent substrate layer and a nano-silver wire layer. A mechanical movement direction is formed on the transparent substrate layer, and the nano-silver wire conductive film has a linear resistance in the mechanical movement direction. Its vertical resistance ratio is 0.7‑1.3, which improves the applicability and yield of conductive films in touch screen applications.

【Detailed description】

Abstract: Silver nanowires (AgNWs) are an important branch of silver nanomaterials. Because of their advantages such as flexibility resistance, high transparency, good electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, they have become a good choice for making flexible transparent conductive materials. So far, there are many methods for preparing AgNWs. Among them, the polyol method has been favored by researchers because of its simple method, controllable morphology and size, and suitable for mass production. However, the size of AgNWs produced by the classic polyol reduction method exists. Disadvantages such as unevenness, low purity, low yield, and small aspect ratio. In this thesis, the sample addition method was changed from dropwise addition to one-time addition on the basis of predecessors, which makes the operation easier, the reaction is more controlled, and it is suitable for mass production. Using the improved alcohol reduction method, AgNWs with high purity, uniform size and high aspect ratio were successfully prepared, and a combination of AgNWs and titanium dioxide (Ti02) was used to prepare a transparent conductive film with high light transmission and good conductivity. The content is summarized as follows: The alcohol reduction method is used, with ethylene glycol as the reducing agent and solvent, silver nitrate as the silver source, halide as the seed inducer, and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as the stabilizer and structure directing agent. The effects of reaction conditions on the morphology of nano-silver wires were studied in three aspects: copper chloride, sodium chloride and ferric chloride, seed reaction time, and reaction temperature. Copper (CuCl2) is the seed inducer, the reaction temperature is 160 ℃, and the seed reaction time is controlled to 6min. Under these conditions, AgNWs with uniform size, uniform morphology, few particles, and an aspect ratio greater than 500 (50-60 μm in length and about 90 nm in diameter) were obtained. Using sol-gel method, tetrabutyl titanate (Ti ( OBu) 4) is a precursor, anhydrous ethanol is the solvent, glacial acetic acid or acetylacetone is the inhibitor, and a stable and highly transparent TiO2 sol is prepared by the hydrolysis and condensation reaction of tetrabutyl titanate. Sol gel synthesis obtained with glacial acetic acid as the inhibitor, n (CH3CH2OH) / n [Ti (OBu) 4] = 40, n (H2O) / n [Ti (OBu) 4] is 4, and the pH value is 2 Better performance. Combined with AgNWs and TiO2 sol, a transparent conductive thin film was prepared by spin-coating. The effects of the aspect ratio of AgNWs and titanium dioxide on the performance of conductive films were explored. The comprehensive properties of AgNWs-TiO2 films with an aspect ratio of 400-500 nanosilver wires It is better, the light transmittance can reach more than 90%, and the square resistance is about 30Ω, and it is concluded that Ti02 can help the conductive function and greatly enhance the conductivity of the AgNWs-TiO2 film.

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